Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sarah out

I'm quitting this little adventure. I have more hate mail than I care to deal with. Thank goodness I made a new email address to set this up. I don't think I could take it being on my work one. All the people I worked with on the show who found me here were really supportive, but over all it's been horrid. I've had 16 people email me claiming I was impersonating them and many others saying that my blog was a lie. I'm so few entries in, how could you even know that? At least give me a chance to be inconsistent. One typo and I'm a sick f-ing liar. Forgive me for being interesting and good luck getting someone who tells you lies that you want to believe

Monday, July 13, 2009


Blogging was my ex's idea. I didn't think it would help anything so I resisted. I started this after my job ended suddenly-well after that ex was gone. The idea came back to me while reading a blog about my former employer which got me off the focus it was going to have: being out of the closet somewhere.

As I said before, I am a lesbian. I could never say that in real life.

I can remember going to church before it was about hate. Now homosexuals and the poor are considered evil there. My first memory of that hate permeating my church was around the time that I started noticing girls and the other girls started noticing boys. I tried so hard. I went to True Love Waits meetings thinking they would teach me to resist all sex but I only learned not to lie down with a boy. I became super religious. I went to church twice every Sunday and half the night on Wednesday, I started a club at school and went to camp every summer. I dated boy from True Love Waits. The would brag on how chaste I was at church. I would blush and be praised for being modest when I was really blushing because of the non so chaste thoughts I had about the guy's older sister. I kept doing this until I met a guy with as little interest in sex as I had. We were married 2 days after I turned 18. We didn't have sex for 3 months but not from lack of trying. If he could function, I was too tense. Finally we broke a big Baptist taboo. We drank. A (male) "friend" of his brought over a bottle of some horrible strong stuff and we played a drinking game together. Sex with him was the worst experience of my life. It sobered me right up. It must have been awful for him too since I found him in bed with his "friend" in the morning.

Next Blog: How this was a GOOD thing


Thanks for the comments.

Jodigetajob: There are worse places that Christian people work. I went into the job thinking that I was working for Christian people, as did many of my co-workers. When we learned better it was a chance to witness not run. Some people left. The rest of us were there doing all the good we can. Christians are not supposed to hide out with nice people and wait for the whole world to be happy. We go out and help "the least of these". Those kids are "the least of these" and refusing to work won't help them. Changing their socks while mom's not looking will. I wish I was still there to do it as do many people who worked there. Several of us are on the right side of this trying to get custody for the better parent. Since Kate was pretty adamant about hiding me those people may not know me. She likes to pretend that she cooks and I was only there a couple hours a week. We weren't allowed in the kitchen except when I was getting her dishes.

ANNA: Anyone can mistype. My former partner mistyped her name quite often. I'm very sorry that it upset you but thank you for pointing it out.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

So it begins. . . I kinda hope

I got a call today. I was seriously hoping that we were filming again so I'd have something better to do but it was something less anticipate but more expected. A gossip site. It seem that the source of her story was reviled. They only wanted to hear that I saw nothing between her and the supposed lover. I almost laughed. Wait until he responds. He KNOWS SHE IS CHEATING. She's been cheating. There is film of her cheating. The twins know. The shock is with who. Saving that one for court or enough money to make up what should have been the rest of my contract.

Although, revenge would be nice.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On spanking

My lawyers have confirmed that I am no longer bound by my contract since TLC defaulted on it. I'm talking to a few other people who may sue so I won't give too much away since we need some leverage. I expect to settle out of court since we have major dirt. I did all the cooking for Jon and Kate Plus 8 since late season 3. I started when Kate started talking about doing an Organic cooking special but was shot down when someone at TLC suggested that the Craft Service truck could show up at any time and certainly wasn't organic. TLC then contacted me to fix this just in case so the "green" specials could start. I was kinda a fan and was excited. I started reading blogs not too long after. I desperately needed to see that the world saw Kate for what she was after something in particular that she did to me. Blogs that point out her lies and how abusive she is got me through the nights of worrying about those kids. I could make your blood run cold with what I know. Not that I can give specifics, mind you.

So I keep seeing this spanking thing now that I'm not cooking for a crew everyday. I ironically was talking to my lawyer about his not long ago as well as someone else's lawyer. Not that I am saying anything, but if one of the kids, let's say Cara, did not want to be on anymore. Kate would beat the mess out of her until she was out there. Imagine how sad she would look. . . I bet as sad as she looks since they got the new house. Again, this is totally hypothetical and fictitious since I can't really tell much from my time in the kitchen getting dishes and stocking the freezer or when the kids come get snacks, but broken things and spilled drinks and stains on clothes sure get fixed by the crew in secret. I'm sure that as some of us continue to be unemployed that information will leak here and there. The lawyer for one side pays nicely. Good job growing a backbone.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who am I? I'll let you guess

No one knows who I am, but you have seen me.

You misinterpret what you saw.

I've read my waiver carefully. I can't talk about the show directly so I can't confirm much but I can write this.

I'm willing to bet you will see me more than that if things get really ugly and one man comes to his senses.

I live in Berks Country PA in a town of a little over 2000 people.

I "babysit" a lot. Well I used to then the lawyer decided that was a bad idea.