Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On spanking

My lawyers have confirmed that I am no longer bound by my contract since TLC defaulted on it. I'm talking to a few other people who may sue so I won't give too much away since we need some leverage. I expect to settle out of court since we have major dirt. I did all the cooking for Jon and Kate Plus 8 since late season 3. I started when Kate started talking about doing an Organic cooking special but was shot down when someone at TLC suggested that the Craft Service truck could show up at any time and certainly wasn't organic. TLC then contacted me to fix this just in case so the "green" specials could start. I was kinda a fan and was excited. I started reading blogs not too long after. I desperately needed to see that the world saw Kate for what she was after something in particular that she did to me. Blogs that point out her lies and how abusive she is got me through the nights of worrying about those kids. I could make your blood run cold with what I know. Not that I can give specifics, mind you.

So I keep seeing this spanking thing now that I'm not cooking for a crew everyday. I ironically was talking to my lawyer about his not long ago as well as someone else's lawyer. Not that I am saying anything, but if one of the kids, let's say Cara, did not want to be on anymore. Kate would beat the mess out of her until she was out there. Imagine how sad she would look. . . I bet as sad as she looks since they got the new house. Again, this is totally hypothetical and fictitious since I can't really tell much from my time in the kitchen getting dishes and stocking the freezer or when the kids come get snacks, but broken things and spilled drinks and stains on clothes sure get fixed by the crew in secret. I'm sure that as some of us continue to be unemployed that information will leak here and there. The lawyer for one side pays nicely. Good job growing a backbone.


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